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The programme will include three keynote presentations, one JURE keynote presentation, symposia, paper presentations, poster presentations and round-tables.
Please note that proposals can be submitted through the conference website only. Submissions via e-mail will not be accepted.
The symposia provide opportunities to present and discuss a coherent set of papers on a specific topic. A symposium is scheduled for 90 minutes. Each symposium consists of three papers and a discussant from three different research groups. Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and a short discussion. 15 minutes are reserved for the discussant, who provides an overview of the three presented studies and addresses interesting issues. The remaining 15 minutes are reserved for discussion with the audience. The chair leads the discussion. The proposals should consist of ... for the whole symposium
... for each paper
Paper sessions are scheduled for 90 minutes. Each session comprises three papers, which are thematically grouped by the organizing committee based on the submitted keywords. Each paper is allocated 20 minutes for presentation and The proposals should consist of
The poster sessions offer researchers the chance to present their work in a visual format and offer more opportunities for interaction and discussion. The poster session is scheduled for 60 minutes. The audience circulates among the posters, stopping to discuss research of particular interest to them. Presenters don’t need to prepare an introduction but should make sure to stand at their poster during this hour to answer questions and give further information on their research. The proposals should consist of